Jeremiah Shelton

3 Networking Tips To Try When You’re Still In College

Are you in college? If so, your professors might have told you that networking is going to be very important for your career. It's true that making connections and meeting others in your industry is essential, and the truth is that you don't have to wait until you graduate to get started. In fact, you shouldn't. These are a few networking tips that you can try while you're still in college so that you can help get your career off to a good start. Read More 

Selecting Child Care For Your Kid: Home Child Care Vs. Day Care Center

When the time comes to head back to work after having your child, you will need to decide on who is going to watch over them during the day. Thankfully, there are plenty of options available to you based on you and your child's needs. You may be between having home child care, or taking them to a day care center. Here is some helpful information to help you pick between these two options. Read More